/* Constructor for the Beachhead MessageBox */ BeachheadUI.Alert = function(pMessage) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox.show("Beachhead Alert",pMessage.replace(/\n/g, '
'),"messageBoxBorder","messageBoxAlertContent"); } BeachheadUI.ErrorMessage = function(pMessage) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox.show(BeachheadUI.language["error"],pMessage.replace(/\n/g, '
'),"messageBoxBorder","messageBoxAlertContent"); } BeachheadUI.Confirm = function (pMessage, pCallback, pCancelCallback) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox.close(); var buttons = [[BeachheadUI.language["ok"], pCallback], [BeachheadUI.language["cancel"], function () { if (pCancelCallback) pCancelCallback(); BeachheadUI.MessageBox.close(); } ]]; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.show(BeachheadUI.language["confirmation"], pMessage.replace(/\n/g, '
'), "messageBoxBorder", "messageBoxAlertContent", buttons); } BeachheadUI.ClearConfirm = function() { BeachheadUI.MessageBox.close(); } //BeachheadUI.MessageBox = function(pId, pTitle, pMessage, pTableCSS, pContentCSS, pButtonArray, pOuterBorderCSS) //{ // this._messageBoxDiv = pId; // this._title = pTitle; // this._message = pMessage; // if(pTableCSS) // this._tableCSS = pTableCSS; // else // this._tableCSS = BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultTableCSS; // if(pContentCSS) // this._contentCSS = pContentCSS; // else // this._contentCSS = BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultContentCSS; // if(pButtonArray) // this._messageBoxButtons = pButtonArray; // else // this._messageBoxButtons = new Array(); // if (pOuterBorderCSS) // { // this._borderColorClass = pOuterBorderCSS; // this._contentBorderColorClass = pOuterBorderCSS; // } //}; //Default CSS classes for the messagebox BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultTableCSS = "messageBoxBorder"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultContentCSS = "messageBoxContent"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype = new BeachheadUI; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._title = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._titleObj; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._message = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._padding = "5px"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._paddingSides = "35px"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._borderColorClass = "messageBoxOuterBorder"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._borderColor = "#CE7118"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._borderWidth = "1px"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._borderStyle = "solid"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentBorderColorClass = "messageBoxOuterBorder"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentBorderColor = "#CE7118"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentBorderWidth = "1px"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentBorderStyle = "solid"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._tableCSS = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentCSS = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._buttonCSS = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._messageBoxDiv = ""; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._messageBoxButtons = null; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._messageBoxButtonObjs = new Array(); BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._contentObj = null; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._mainObj = null; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._allowMessageBox = true; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._modal = false; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._isWidget = false; /* This method will get the content object */ //if this function is provided a parameter N, it will disable the Nth button in the //messagebox. However, if there are buttons in the content of the messagebox, //those must be included when calculating N. If parameter N is not passed in, all //buttons will be disabled. BeachheadUI.MessageBox.disableModalButtons = function(index) { var buttonArray = BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._messageBoxButtonObjs; if(index) buttonArray[index].setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); else for(var i = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) buttonArray[i].setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); }; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.enableModalButtons = function() { var modalObj = BeachheadUI.MessageBox.getContentObject().parentNode.parentNode; var modalInputs = modalObj.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < modalInputs.length; i++) if(modalInputs[i].type == "button") modalInputs[i].disabled = false; }; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.getContentObject = function() { return this._contentObj; }; /* This method will set the content object */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.setContent = function(pMessage) { this._message = pMessage; if(this._contentObj) { this._contentObj.innerHTML = "
" + pMessage + "
"; } }; /* This method will set the title */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.setTitle = function(pTitle) { this._title = pTitle; if(this._titleObj) this._titleObj.innerHTML = pTitle; }; /* This method will allow the buttons to be set */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.setButtons = function(pButtonArray) { this._messageBoxButtons = pButtonArray; if (this._contentObj) { this.renderButtons(); } }; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.renderButtons = function () { var x = this._messageBoxButtonObjs.length - 1; if (this._messageBoxButtons.length > x) x = this._messageBoxButtons.length - 1; for (; x >= 0; x--) { if (x > (this._messageBoxButtons.length - 1)) { this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x].style.display = "none"; continue; } var bud; if (x >= this._messageBoxButtonObjs.length) { bud = document.createElement("div"); if (this._title && this._title == BeachheadUI.language["deleteresponder"]) { if (this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX] == "Cancel") { bud.className = "u1203_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "280px"; bud.style.height = "30px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "6px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } else { bud.className = "u1202_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "115px"; bud.style.width = "150px"; bud.style.height = "25px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "8px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } } else { bud.className = "button"; bud.removeAttribute("style"); } } else { if (this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x]) { bud = this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x]; if (this._title && this._title == BeachheadUI.language["deleteresponder"]) { if (this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX] == "Cancel") { bud.className = "u1203_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "280px"; bud.style.height = "30px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "6px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } else { bud.className = "u1202_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "115px"; bud.style.width = "150px"; bud.style.height = "25px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "8px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } } else { bud.className = "button"; bud.removeAttribute("style"); } } else { bud = document.createElement("div"); if (this._title && this._title == BeachheadUI.language["deleteresponder"]) { if (this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX] == "Cancel") { bud.className = "u1203_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "280px"; bud.style.height = "30px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "6px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } else { bud.className = "u1202_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "115px"; bud.style.width = "150px"; bud.style.height = "25px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "8px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } } else { bud.className = "button"; bud.removeAttribute("style"); } } } while (bud.childNodes.length > 0) bud.removeChild(bud.childNodes[0]); var bsz = bud.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); bsz.className = "buttonWidth"; bsz.style.height = "0px"; if (this._messageBoxButtons[x].length > BeachheadUI.MessageBox._WIDTH_INDEX) { var mwd = bud.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); mwd.style.height = "0px"; mwd.style.width = this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._WIDTH_INDEX]; } bud.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX])); bud.onclick = function (pX, pId, pObj) { return function (event) { pObj._onClick(event, pId, pX); } }(x, this._messageBoxDiv, this); this._messageBoxButtonObjs[0].parentNode.appendChild(bud); if (this._title && this._title == BeachheadUI.language["deleteresponder"]) this._messageBoxButtonObjs[0].parentNode.style.height = "30px"; this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x] = bud; this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x].style.display = ""; this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x].removeAttribute("disabled"); } }; /* This method will render and show the message box. */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.show = function (pDoNotCenter, pDoNotShow, pDoNotCreate) { // We may need this if we want to override this behavior. We may allow show without calling close. if (!this._allowMessageBox) return false; else this._allowMessageBox = false; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.CurrentMBObj = this;// var obj = document.getElementById(this._messageBoxDiv); var parentObj = document.getElementById(this._messageBoxDiv + "parent"); var slipFrame; if (!obj) { var oobj = document.createElement("div"); oobj.style.position = "absolute"; oobj.style.top = oobj.style.left = "0px"; oobj.style.zIndex = 999; obj = oobj.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); obj.id = this._messageBoxDiv; obj.style.display = "none"; obj.style.position = "absolute"; obj.className = this._tableCSS; parentObj = document.createElement("div"); parentObj.style.height = "100%"; parentObj.style.width = "100%"; parentObj.style.position = "absolute"; parentObj.id = this._messageBoxDiv + "parent"; parentObj.style.top = 0; parentObj.style.left = 0; parentObj.appendChild(oobj); document.body.appendChild(oobj); document.body.appendChild(parentObj); } if (!pDoNotCreate) { slipFrame = parentObj.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (slipFrame.length > 0) slipFrame = slipFrame[0]; else slipFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); slipFrame.id = this._messageBoxDiv + "slipFrame"; slipFrame.style.width = "100%"; slipFrame.style.height = "100%"; slipFrame.style.position = "absolute"; slipFrame.border = 0; slipFrame.style.zIndex = 997; slipFrame.style.display = "none"; //ADDED 3/10/08 for support for swf in header slipFrame.src = "empty.htm"; //previously messagebox would make swf disappear parentObj.appendChild(slipFrame); if (this._contentObj) { { this._contentObj.className = "content " + this._contentCSS; if (this._titleObj && this._titleObj.innerHTML != this._title) this._titleObj.innerHTML = this._title; if (this._contentObj.innerHTML != this._message) this._contentObj.innerHTML = this._message; this.renderButtons(); } } else { this._create(obj); } } if (!pDoNotShow) { parentObj.style.display = ""; obj.style.display = ""; if (parentObj.clientHeight < document.body.clientHeight) { parentObj.style.height = document.body.clientHeight + "px"; parentObj.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px"; slipFrame.style.height = parentObj.style.height; slipFrame.style.width = parentObj.style.width; } if (this._modal) { eval("parentObj.onmousedown = function(event){BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseDownModal(event,'" + this._messageBoxDiv + "');};"); eval("document.onkeydown = function(event){BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onKeyDownModal(event, '" + this._messageBoxDiv + "');};"); parentObj.style.backgroundColor = "white"; parentObj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=1)"; parentObj.style.opacity = 0.01; slipFrame.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=1)"; slipFrame.style.opacity = 0.01; parentObj.style.zIndex = 998; obj.style.zIndex = 999; } else { parentObj.style.backgroundColor = ""; parentObj.style.filter = ""; parentObj.style.opacity = ""; slipFrame.style.filter = ""; slipFrame.style.opacity = ""; parentObj.style.zIndex = 996; obj.style.zIndex = 997; } // if(BeachheadUI.IE) // { // slipFrame.style.height = obj.clientHeight + "px"; // slipFrame.style.width = obj.clientWidth + "px"; // } // else // { // slipFrame.style.height = (obj.clientHeight - 5) + "px"; // slipFrame.style.width = (obj.clientWidth - 5) + "px"; // } if (!pDoNotCenter) { document.body.style.display = "none"; document.body.style.display = ""; //changed code which calculates obj.style.top 10/17/07 //was calculating parseInt((document.body.clientHeight / 2)) (ie page) //instead of the current parseInt((document.documentElement.clientHeight / 2)) //(ie window) var cTop = (parseInt(document.body.parentNode.scrollTop) + parseInt((document.documentElement.clientHeight / 2)) - (obj.clientHeight / 2)); var cLeft = parseInt((parentObj.clientWidth / 2) - (obj.clientWidth / 2)); if (!cLeft) cLeft = parseInt((parentObj.clientWidth / 2)); if (cTop < 0) cTop = 0; if (cLeft < 0) cLeft = 0; obj.style.display = "none"; obj.style.top = cTop + "px"; obj.style.left = cLeft + "px"; obj.style.display = "block"; } else if (pDoNotCenter.x) { obj.style.top = pDoNotCenter.y + "px"; obj.style.left = pDoNotCenter.x + "px"; } } if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1) window.scrollTo(0, 0); window[this._messageBoxDiv] = this; setTimeout("BeachheadUI.MessageBox.focus('" + this._messageBoxDiv + "');", 100); try { this._messageBoxButtonObjs[0].focus(); } catch (ex) { } return true; }; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.focus = function (pMess) { if (window[pMess]._messageBoxButtonObj) try { window[pMess]._messageBoxButtonObjs[0].focus(); } catch (ex) { } } /* This will hide the messagebox. */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype.close = function() { this._allowMessageBox = true; document.getElementById(this._messageBoxDiv).style.display = "none"; var parentObj = document.getElementById(this._messageBoxDiv + "parent"); parentObj.style.display = "none"; parentObj.style.backgroundColor = ""; if(this._modal) document.onkeydown = ""; }; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._ID = "BeachheadUI.MessageBox"; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX = 0; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._FUNCTION_INDEX = 1; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._WIDTH_INDEX = 2; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog = new BeachheadUI.MessageBox(BeachheadUI.MessageBox._ID); BeachheadUI.MessageBox._tx = -1; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._ty = -1; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._x = -1; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._y = -1; BeachheadUI.MessageBox.show = function(pTitle, pMessage, pTableCSS, pContentCSS, pButtonArray, pOuterBorderCSS) { if(pTitle) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._title = pTitle; if(pMessage) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._message = pMessage; if(pTableCSS) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._tableCSS = pTableCSS; else BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._tableCSS = BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultTableCSS; if(pContentCSS) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._contentCSS = pContentCSS; else BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._contentCSS = BeachheadUI.MessageBox.defaultContentCSS; /* Modification by Patrick - Sept 26 */ /* Modified Oct 4, 07-added ability to set the buttons with 4th arg-Justin */ /* if 4th arg is array, it takes label and function, if it is a string, it performs your function */ /* Modified 2-10-2010 - added ability to set borderStyle - dave */ if((pButtonArray)&&((pButtonArray instanceof Array)||(pButtonArray.length))) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.setButtons(pButtonArray); else if(pButtonArray) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.setButtons([[BeachheadUI.language["ok"],pButtonArray]]); else BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.setButtons([[BeachheadUI.language["ok"],"BeachheadUI.MessageBox._close"]]); if (pOuterBorderCSS) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._borderColorClass = pOuterBorderCSS; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._contentBorderColorClass = pOuterBorderCSS; } /* End Mod */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._modal = true; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._isWidget = (pTitle == BeachheadUI.language["account_selection"]) ? true : false; if(BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.show()) { return true; } else return false; } BeachheadUI.MessageBox.close = function() { if(document.getElementById(BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._messageBoxDiv)) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.close(); } /* This function will set the title */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.setTitle = function(pTitle) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._title = pTitle; if(BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._titleObj) BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._titleObj.innerHTML = pTitle; }; /* This function will return the content object of the modal dialog box */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.getContentObject = function() { return BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._contentObj; }; /* This function will set the content of the static modal dialog */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.setContent = function(pContent) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.setContent(pContent); }; /* This function will set the buttons of the static modal dialog */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.setButtons = function(pButtons) { BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog.setButtons(pButtons); }; /* This is the function that will generate the message box */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._create = function (pMD) { var tl, tm, tr, rs, ls, bl, bm, bs; var cd = function () { return pMD.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); }; cd().className = "topleft"; cd().className = "topmiddle"; cd().className = "topright"; cd().className = "sideright"; cd().className = "sideleft"; cd().className = "botleft"; cd().className = "botmiddle"; cd().className = "botright"; cd().className = "innertopmiddle"; cd().className = "innerbotmiddle"; var mc = cd(); mc.style.position = "relative"; mc.className = this._tableCSS; //this._title //this._messageBoxButtons = new Array(); // this._message = pMessage; if (this._title) { this._titleObj = mc.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); this._titleObj.className = "title"; this._titleObj.innerHTML = this._title; } this._contentObj = mc.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); if (this._messageBoxButtons.length > 0) { //create buttons var bd = mc.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); bd.className = "buttons"; for (var x = this._messageBoxButtons.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { var bud = document.createElement("div"); bud.className = "button"; var bsz = bud.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); bsz.className = "buttonWidth"; bsz.style.height = "0px"; if (this._title && this._title == BeachheadUI.language["deleteresponder"]) { bd.style.height = "30px"; if (this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX] == "Cancel") { bud.className = "u1203_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "280px"; bud.style.height = "30px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "6px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } else { bud.className = "u1202_div"; bud.style.top = "115px"; bud.style.left = "115px"; bud.style.width = "150px"; bud.style.height = "25px"; bud.style.paddingTop = "8px"; bud.style.textAlign = "center"; } } if (this._messageBoxButtons[x].length > BeachheadUI.MessageBox._WIDTH_INDEX) { var mwd = bud.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); mwd.style.height = "0px"; mwd.style.width = this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._WIDTH_INDEX]; } bud.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX])); window[this._messageBoxDiv] = this; bud.onclick = function (pX, pObj) { return function (event) { pObj._onClick(event, pMD.id, pX); } }(x, this); bd.appendChild(bud); this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x] = bud; } } this._contentObj.className = "content " + this._contentCSS; this._contentObj.innerHTML = this._message; this._mainObj = pMD; this._mainObj.style.cursor = "move"; this._mainObj.onmousedown = function (event) { var cobj; if (!event) event = window.event; if (event.srcElement) cobj = event.srcElement; else if (event.target) cobj = event.target; if (cobj != pMD) return; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseDown(event, pMD.id); }; return; var tabObj = document.createElement("table"); tabObj.style.cursor = "default"; this._mainObj = tabObj; tabObj.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody")); tabObj.className = this._tableCSS; if (this._borderColorClass) tabObj.className += " " + this._borderColorClass; else tabObj.style.border = this._borderColor + " " + this._borderStyle + " " + this._borderWidth; tabObj.style.borderCollapse = "collapse"; tabObj.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; tabObj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=100)"; var tr = document.createElement("tr"); var td = document.createElement("td"); td.colSpan = 3; td.style.padding = this._padding; td.style.paddingLeft = this._paddingSides; td.style.paddingRight = this._paddingSides; td.style.cursor = "pointer"; eval("td.onmousedown = function(event){BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseDown(event, '" + this._messageBoxDiv + "');}"); td.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; td.innerHTML = this._title; this._titleObj = td; tr.appendChild(td); tabObj.tBodies[0].appendChild(tr); tr = document.createElement("tr"); td = document.createElement("td"); td.style.width = this._padding; td.innerHTML = " "; tr.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement("td"); td.innerHTML = "
" + this._message + "
"; td.className = this._contentCSS; td.style.overflow = "hidden"; td.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; if (this._contentBorderColorClass) td.className += " " + this._contentBorderColorClass; else td.style.border = this._contentBorderColor + " " + this._contentBorderStyle + " " + this._contentBorderWidth; this._contentObj = td; tr.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement("td"); td.style.width = this._padding; td.innerHTML = " "; tr.appendChild(td); tabObj.tBodies[0].appendChild(tr); tr = document.createElement("tr"); td = document.createElement("td"); td.style.padding = this._padding; td.style.paddingLeft = this._paddingSides; td.style.paddingRight = this._paddingSides; td.colSpan = 3; td.style.textAlign = "right"; for (var x = 0; x < this._messageBoxButtons.length; x++) { if (x != 0) { var spacer = document.createElement("span"); spacer.innerHTML = " "; td.appendChild(spacer); } var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "button"; input.value = this._messageBoxButtons[x][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._NAME_INDEX]; window[this._messageBoxDiv] = this; input.onclick = function (pId, pX, pObj) { return function (event) { pObj._onClick(event, pId, pX); }; } (this._messageBoxDiv, x, this); //eval("input.onclick = function(event){BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onClick(event, '" + this._messageBoxDiv + "', " + x + ");}"); td.appendChild(input); this._messageBoxButtonObjs[x] = input; } if (td.childNodes.length == 0) td.innerHTML = ""; tr.appendChild(td); tabObj.tBodies[0].appendChild(tr); return tabObj; } /* Private function used to close the static message box. */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._close = function() { return true; } BeachheadUI.MessageBox.prototype._onClick = function (pEvent, pNamespace, pActionIndex) { var obj = window[pNamespace]; if (typeof BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._messageBoxButtonObjs[pActionIndex].attributes["disabled"] != 'undefined') { if (BeachheadUI.MessageBox._modalDialog._messageBoxButtonObjs[pActionIndex].attributes["disabled"].value == "disabled") { return true; } } var func = obj._messageBoxButtons[pActionIndex][BeachheadUI.MessageBox._FUNCTION_INDEX]; if((typeof(func) == "object")||(typeof(func) == "function")) { if(func.call(this)) obj.close(); } else if((typeof(func) == "string")&&(func.lastIndexOf(")") == (func.length -1))) { if(eval(func)) obj.close(); } else if(typeof(func) == "string") { if(eval(func + "()")) obj.close(); } else obj.close(); } /* This function will make the modal dialog box flash. */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseDownModal = function(pEvent, pObjStr) { document.getElementById(pObjStr).style.display = "none"; setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + pObjStr + "').style.display = '';", 0); } /* Private function used to prevent tabs from allowing access to items under the modal message box */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onKeyDownModal = function (pEvent, pObjStr) { var flash = false; var objInElement = false; var msgBoxObj = document.getElementById(pObjStr); if (BeachheadUI.IE) { pEvent = window.event; if (!msgBoxObj.contains(window.event.srcElement)) { window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; flash = true; } } else { var contained = false; var obj = pEvent.target; while ((obj.parentNode) && (!contained)) { if (obj.parentNode == msgBoxObj) contained = true; obj = obj.parentNode; } if (!contained) { pEvent.stopPropagation(); pEvent.preventDefault(); flash = true; } } var inputs = msgBoxObj.getElementsByTagName("input"); // if(pEvent.keyCode == 13) // { // for(var x = 0; x < inputs.length; x++) // { // if(inputs[x].type == "button") // { // if(inputs[x].fireEvent) // { // if((flash)||(window.event.srcElement.tagName != "TEXTAREA")) // { // inputs[x].fireEvent("onclick"); // window.event.cancelBubble = true; // window.event.returnValue = false; // } // } // else if(inputs[x].dispatchEvent) // { // if((flash)||(pEvent.target.tagName != "TEXTAREA")) // { // var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); // evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); // inputs[x].dispatchEvent(evt); // pEvent.preventDefault(); // pEvent.stopPropagation(); // } // } // break; // } // } // flash = false; // } if (pEvent.keyCode == 13) { if (this._isWidget) { if (document.getElementById("divSearchRst") != null) document.getElementById("divSearchRst").style.display = "none"; return false; } else { BeachheadUI.MessageBox.CurrentMBObj._messageBoxButtonObjs[0].onclick(); flash = false; } } if ((flash) && (pEvent.keyCode == 9)) { flash = false; try { inputs[0].focus(); } catch (ex) { flash = true; } } if (flash) { msgBoxObj.style.display = "none"; setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + pObjStr + "').style.display = '';", 100); return false; } return true; } /* Private function used to set up the dragging of the message box */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseDown = function(pEvent, pObjStr) { if (!pEvent) pEvent = window.event; var dobj = document.getElementById(pObjStr); BeachheadUI.MessageBox._y = parseInt(dobj.style.top); BeachheadUI.MessageBox._x = parseInt(dobj.style.left); BeachheadUI.MessageBox._ty = pEvent.clientY - BeachheadUI.MessageBox._y; BeachheadUI.MessageBox._tx = pEvent.clientX - BeachheadUI.MessageBox._x; if (document.body.setCapture) document.body.setCapture(); eval("document.onmousemove = function(event){BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseMove(event, '" + pObjStr + "');}"); document.onmouseup = function() { document.onmousemove = ""; document.onmouseup = ""; if (document.body.releaseCapture) document.body.releaseCapture(); }; if (document.selection) try { document.selection.empty(); } catch (ex) { } else if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }; /* Private function used to handle the dragging of the message box */ BeachheadUI.MessageBox._onMouseMove = function(pEvent, pObjStr) { var dobj = document.getElementById(pObjStr); var pobj = document.getElementById(pObjStr + "parent"); if(!pEvent) pEvent = window.event; var left = (pEvent.clientX - BeachheadUI.MessageBox._tx); var top = (pEvent.clientY - BeachheadUI.MessageBox._ty); if(left < 0) left = 0; else if(left > (pobj.clientWidth - dobj.clientWidth)) left = pobj.clientWidth - dobj.clientWidth; //Code added 10/17/07 to allow messagebox to drag to bottom-most //part of page (previously, would only drag to bottom most part //of top section of page) -Dan var alto= 0; if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) alto = document.body.clientHeight; else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) alto = document.documentElement.clientHeight; else if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) alto = window.innerHeight; if (pobj.clientHeight > alto) alto = pobj.clientHeight; if(top < 0) top = 0; else if(top > (alto + dobj.clientHeight)) top = alto + dobj.clientHeight; dobj.style.left = left + "px"; dobj.style.top = top + "px"; if(document.selection) try { document.selection.empty(); } catch (ex) { } else if(window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }; window.onload = function (pOldOnLoad) { return function (pEvent) { var pl = new BeachheadUI.MessageBox("mbpl", "test", "message", null, null, ["OK"]); pl.show({ x: -10000, y: -10000 }); pl.close(); if (pOldOnLoad) pOldOnLoad(pEvent); } } (window.onload);